5 Tips for Better Barricade Rental Experiences

Wright Group Event Services often rents out barricades and fencing to local organizations for festivals, gatherings, and even construction. Our friend in Utah wrote a great blog sharing 5 best tips for a better barricade rental experience. #2 tip on the list relates to overestimating the barricade rental order, or more importantly, underestimating your needs for barricades when renting. We get several requests for fencing, barricades, and other crowd control items for car shows, fairs, art shows, and parades, to name a few. Too often, the person we are working with has underestimated the number of barriers needed. It is always better to have a few too many than not enough. Read on for the other four tips from this group. https://otwsafety.com/blog/barricade-rental-experience/