Planning an outdoor event usually requires planning for tent rentals to house guests, protect from the weather, and create the event footprint. But just renting a set of tents is not enough. Careful planning in this area requires consideration in a number of areas. Below are five main questions to ask yourself when approaching a tent rental for a large event.

  1. What is the quality of tent needed? Wright Group Event Services recommends that you ask about the condition, regular inspections and cleanings of rental tents in circulation to get the highest quality tents available.
  2. What size of tent is needed? Most tent rental companies have a wide array of inventory in varying sizes and shapes. Do you need to house all guests under a single tent? Or will the event require a series of smaller tents to showcase entertainment, food, and other event elements? Have a good understanding of the guest count and uses for the tents before approaching a tent rental center to get the right sized tent(s) for your event.
  3. Is a permit needed for the tent? Asking the event center or community space coordinators about any permitting needs is essential, including if tents are even allowed.
  4. What is your floor plan? Understand how traffic will flow, where guests may sit or rest, how crowds may congregate, where entertainment will live, how food may be distributed are all great details to consider when developing a floor plan. Then tents can be added to create exclusive or intimate spaces and create other designations for guests to navigate all areas of the event successfully.
  5. How will the tent withstand the elements? While no one hopes for increment weather to happen during an event, there is always a risk when holding an outdoor gathering. Asking questions about wind resistance and water proofing for any tent being rented is essential. Not every tent is made to withstand the elements.

If you are planning a large-scale event and considering tent rentals to create your space, talk to us at Wright Group Event Services. We have been renting tents for over 30 years and have all of the answers ready for you. You just need to ask the questions.