Wright Group Event Services

Diversity and Inclusion, Are They Invited To Your Next Event?

Diversity and Inclusion, Are They Invited To Your Next Event?

Diversity and inclusion are not just the latest buzz words in the event planning world. These core values are about ensuring that everyone in an organization feels seen, heard and included. When planning an event, diversity is not just about hiring a contractor that is a woman. Inclusion is not just about adding a person who fits into a minority category to the planning team. Embracing diversity and inclusion involves more than checking a box. It requires intentional actions towards making sure your event represents and mirrors the diversity of your attendees. Here are three ways to integrate diversity as an advantage to your next event. Food Diversity When planning the menu for your family event of business meeting, consider adding in diverse food choices. Do some out of the box thinking by first considering your participants and their food choices. Add in vegan, vegetarian and gluten free options for food preferences. Also consider cultural options, like halal and kosher, if you have guests with religious needs. Dairy-free and nut-free options for those with allergies. We often recommend sending out a quick food preference request to your guests to see what types of options they may need. The best parties cater to the needs of the guests in a meaningful and memorable way. Diverse Speakers For corporate events, business meetings, sales kick offs, conferences and other professional style occurrences, consider booking speakers that have diverse backgrounds. The addition of speakers, panelists and presenter that have different backgrounds means your audiences become exposed to new and different ideas. Often this is the point of a great speaker presentation so why not include an effort to invite diversity and inclusion values into your talent screening process. Be authentic to the theme or topic of the gathering of course. Inviting diversity into any environment for the sake of just adding diversity can backfire quickly and become an insult. Inclusive Sponsorships Many events, especially festivals, music concerts, shows and other community events, often have sponsors to help cover the costs. These sponsors receive exposure to the community by showcasing logos and other branding on event marketing. Consider looking at sponsors that align with diversity and inclusion values that you want present to the event. Look for women-owned and minority-owned businesses to invite into a sponsorship relationship. If you find these groups to be smaller than the budgetary benefits that a large sponsor brings to the table, offer smaller sponsor packages to smaller organizations. Then when reviewing larger organizations, see if they have diversity and inclusion as a core value before inviting them into a sponsor position. The Wright Group Event Services can speak with authority on this topic as many who work for us come from a wide array of backgrounds. From Hispanic to Russian, men to women, black, brown and white, our organization values the amazing contributions of each of our team members. We are proud to report diversity and inclusion are alive and well here at our event supply rental company. We look forward to continuing to grow keeping these values front and center.

Looking for Unique Party Themes?

Looking for Unique Party Themes?

Looking for a fun and different theme for an upcoming birthday party, retirement celebration or office gathering? We love the suggestions given here by Mix and Twist out of the U.K. Taco Bout A Party is one of our favorites. You? https://www.mixandtwist.co.uk/blog/20-unique-party-ideas/

Planning An Outdoor Winter Event

Planning An Outdoor Winter Event

People have reasons to gather all year long. A Valentine’s Day wedding, a retirement party, a 50th birthday…all could easily be timed during one our cold winter months. If you are considering having an event outdoors during these seasonal months, here are a few suggested items to add to your party equipment rental list. Warming Stations Keeping fingers, toes and noses warm during an outdoor event will ensure that your guests are comfortable and ready to party. Warming stations like propane driven heat lamps, small fire pits, patio heaters and other heat producing equipment are easy and affordable options to keeping everyone toasty. Comfortable Seating Plastic or metal folding chairs can hold the cold like few other chairs can. Adding in cushions and cloth coverings to chairs or including other furniture, like couches, heated chairs, or even air mattresses with lots of blankets can provide for lots of warm seating options. Shelters If an outdoor setting with outbuildings are part of your plan, marquee party tents are a great option that allow you to create an outdoor feeling while maintaining a covered and protected space for dining and dancing. Pergolas, gazebos and garden style igloos can also provide a level of shelter for guests to gain protection from the colder weather. Décor One may not consider how décor can warm a space. However, adding rugs, carpets, covered hay bales, quilts, blankets and other coverings can add pizzazz and warm additions to your outdoor event. Top it all off with warm lighting like candles and string lights to create a glow of coziness. Do you need more ideas about hosting an outdoor event? Contact The Wright Group Event Services. We have decades of experience throwing parties. We are sure we have ideas for you!

Dealing With Special Food Request

Dealing With Special Food Request

The Wright Group Event Services team has been lining up food service and catering programs for our customers for decades. We have noticed an increase in special food requests over the past ten years so wanted to share a few ideas on how to handle food requests for your next corporate event or private celebration. This article from Tara Melvin of Perfect Planning Events shares a few key areas to concentrate on when reviewing food requests. For example, she shares that there are three types of dietary requests: allergies, lifestyle and cultural. Read on for her other brilliant ideas.

Exhibitor Supply Kit 10 Must Haves

Exhibitor Supply Kit 10 Must Haves

If you have plans to attend a conference, trade show or exposition this year, you may see us around setting up tents, sound and lighting, staging and other event rental equipment pieces. We always carry a basic supply kit with us to handle any quick fix emergencies that may arise last minute. To ensure that you are ready anything at your event, we wanted to share! Below are a list of ten must have items for your exhibitor supply kit. A small toolbox with hammer, screwdrivers, staple gun, wrench, screws, nails, staples and of course a roll of electrical duct tape. Flash drives or similar for backing up or moving digital presentations to new locations in the event technology is not working properly. You can easily move to a new computer and take your files with you. Electrical power cords, power strips, extension cords, phone/tablet charging cables, back up battery chargers and any other back up power sources you regularly use. Cleaning supplies like glass cleaner, paper towels, handi-wipes and trash bags. A first aid kit, including band-aids, antiseptics, aspirin, gauze, compression bandages, blister protection, allergy medications and any other standard first aid kit components. A utility knife or Swiss Army knife, including all of the little gadgets including nail file and little scissors. Sewing kit to handle minor rips or tears in table cloths, trade show booths and even personal clothing. Business cards. You never know when your next customer could walk up! Office supplies like pen, paper, stapler, paper clips, markers, tape, scissors and highlighters. Personal hygiene kit with mints, hand sanitizer and even a snack or two to hold you over until you can break away for a meal. If you are planning an event offsite, being prepared for small hiccups can spare hours of headaches and mitigate brand damage or missed opportunities. And if you see us around and you have forgotten your kit, we have you covered. Just stop and ask for help! The Team at The Wright Group Event Services

Celebrate the Cold While Staying Warm

Celebrate the Cold While Staying Warm

Outdoor events will continue to be a prevalent way to gather this year. While a cold weather gathering may not be as appealing as heading to a warm beach climate, you can have a great time outdoors in the winter. In this article by Bloomberg, the Norwegian word friluftsliv is introduced as the art of embracing the outdoors, regardless of temperature. To fully embrace this concept, the article shares tips to reduce body heat loss, how to bundle up in layers, mindset, finding fun activities and how to sit and socialize in chilly temperature settings. All we have to say is get out there and have fun, all year long! And if you need help with the party supplies, tents, chairs, décor and more, give us a call. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-25/the-art-of-socializing-outside-during-covid-winter

Why We Love Holiday Rituals

People have been gathering since the dawn of time to share in rituals and traditions. As long ago as 40,000 years ago, we have proof that our ancestors gathered in the name of advanced rituals around the changing of seasons, births and deaths, honoring of gods and more (Norway 2006). Exactly why is gathering for ritual and tradition, especially during holiday times. such a lasting exercise for humans? Anthropologists may have some ideas. The Conversation published this research from the University of Connecticut on the topic. Read on: https://theconversation.com/an-anthropologist-explains-why-we-love-holiday-rituals-and-traditions-88462 References Norway, The Research Council of. World’s Oldest Ritual Discovered. Nov 30, 2006. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/801556.

3 Tips To Equipment Rental For a Successful Tradeshow

Tradeshows, expositions and conventions are common methods to showcase multivendor events, retrospectives, product launches and so much more, all designed to bring together broad audiences to establish relationships. Over the years, we have assisted with tradeshows such as the Denver Auto Show, Aspen Jazz Fest and the Taste of Colorado, to name just a few. There are three key components when renting equipment that one should consider when looking into this event gathering to ensure success. Where will the tradeshow be held? If you are considering an outdoor event, temporary structures like sign in booths, restrooms, staging, fencing, lighting and protection from climate are all a part of the decision-making process. First, consider the goal, location, and audience flow to take stock of items you may need. If the event is being held indoors, tents may not be needed but several of these other items will come into play. Our best advice is to map out the event and activities, then make a wish list/check list of items you will need to create the structure of the tradeshow. Start planning early. One year prior to the event, determine the goal of the exhibition and a detailed budget forecast. 9 months prior to the event, map out where booths, displays, check in, stages and other important areas will live on the tradeshow floor. 6 months prior to the event, determine the final layout and contact any vendors who may be involved with production (including your equipment rental house) with requests for bids, including production specifications you may require. 3 months prior to the show, confirm delivery dates, equipment availability and set up/tear down protocols. 1 month prior to the event, finalize all details with vendors, exhibitors and special guests. The week of the show, make sure all involved are trained and double check that all action items have been completed. Review contracts thoroughly. No one likes surprises, especially when planning a complex event. Review contracts for deadlines, payments, cancellations, contingencies, and substitutions. We have heard of people who have rented specific size tents, stages and other rentals only to have a substituted item arrive that does not meet the needs of the event planner. We only begin to discuss the areas that you should consider when renting equipment for your tradeshow. For a comprehensive review of potential needs, ideas and pitfalls when planning your big event, contact The Wright Group Event Services. We can share our decades of experience with you to make sure your tradeshow is a raving success!

7 Holiday Themes That Do Not Include Ugly Sweaters

All too often, we hear about the traditional ugly sweater party for the holidays. And while we can appreciate the creativity and imagination that can sometimes go with a theme like this one, there is always room for more merry ideas when planning a themed holiday party. The Huffington Post took on this topic to publish 7 additional party ideas to celebrate the season. Are there any you would add? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/these-7-unique-holiday-rituals-are-holidaygoals_n_582a1a8ee4b02d21bbca1038

3 Reasons To Rent A Tent

To rent or buy, this is often a question when it comes to having a tent for your next event. And while it may be tempting to just purchase a tent that can be used repeatedly for family or corporate gatherings, there are some very compelling reasons to rent instead of buy. Below are 3 considerations to make while you determine if renting or buying a tent is best for you. Maintenance and Upkeep Tents do require maintenance and cleaning after use. Even the highest quality tents will need a renewed stitch on a seem, a patch on a worn area and reinforcements around tie down contacts to keep it healthy and in great shape for continued use. Cleaning protocols are also extremely important to ensure your tent does not accumulate dirt, mold or mildew, especially when they become wet. Most tents are water resistant, not water proof, so proper maintenance and care to the fabrics and materials in use can reduce wear and tear and durability (Sparks 2018). Set up and Tear Down It may seem easy to pop up a tent to keep your guests protected from the sun and rain. However, once you get past the traditional consumer sized tent of 10×10, setting up a tent can become a dangerous feat. Larger family and company gathers may require canopy, frame or peak style tents to accommodate everyone. These tents usually start at 20×20 and can go as high as 45×83, such as the double decker tent we stock at The Wright Group Event Service. Setting up and taking down tents at this size is better conducted by professionals to reduce any instances of injury. Size Requirements Change How can you correctly calculate the size of tent you will need? Are you planning for 50, 75, 100 guests? Each group will require a different amount of space under your tents. Are you planning for row chairs to accommodate a wedding or a classroom style event? A rectangle shaped tent may be a better solution. Are you hosting a cocktail party? Round and open tents may be a better solution. By working with a professional tent rental company, you can be assured that you will get the right tent for your event. Reduce surprises and keep your guests happy with enough room and the right configuration in the tent that will protect your next event. If your next event is being hosted outside and tents are needed, consider speaking with us at The Wright Group Event Services before purchasing a tent that may not meet your needs. Not only can we provide the right high quality, well maintained tent with set up and tear down services, we can also provide tables, chairs, lighting and so much more to make your next event as memorable as possible. Contact us today to discuss your tent needs! References Sparks, Jeff. Do’s and Don’ts: How to Clean Large Commercial Tents. Feb 23, 2018. https://www.herculite.com/blog/dos-and-donts-how-to-clean-a-commercial-tent.

Wright Group Event Services