As the COVID19 virus continues to spread, people may be hesitant to gather this autumn even though we all can feel the stress of not being together. However, science is showing us that depression, unhealthy habits, and lowered cognitive functions can be serious side effects of social isolation (Novotney 2019) . The Wright Group Event Services team has a few ideas to add to your gatherings that can protect everyone in attendance.

  1. Have clear expectations that are communicated upfront. If masks are desired, tell people. Then have a few on hand for those who may have forgotten theirs.
  2. Take it outside. With 68% of the Colorado population vaccinated (Colorado Department of Health & Environment 2021), an outdoor event can protect those who few who are hesitant or unable to protect themselves by reducing the chances for spread.
  3. Space our arrival times for guests. This can keep social distancing by having people show up for your special occasion in waves instead of all together. This can also give you a bonus of being able to greet each of your guests instead of rushing through each greeting.
  4. Provide a remote option for people to tune in via video for a few minutes. This can also give those friends and family members who cannot travel the ability to say hi and celebrate with you. This does not have to be a feed that lasts the entire event, but a short period of time set aside for this special addition.
  5. Add carry out picnics for your catering needs. Instead of buffets or table service, offer up preboxed meals that your guests can enjoy on picnic blankets and/or social distanced picnic tables. The world of boxed meals has come a long way, all the way to gourmet!
  6. Have an outdoor movie party! We can provide screens, projectors chairs, popcorn carts and more for these types of events. Enjoy a watch party or screen your favorite flick with this type of gathering.
  7. Make the outside look like the inside. Adding in rugs, furniture, lighting, heat lamps, and blankets can give an intimate feeling to an outdoor event while keeping everyone warm.

As we move into the autumn and holiday seasons, we can still have creative ways to gather and keep each other safe. Gathering is such an important activity for the health and wellness of us all that not gathering feels like it may be causing as much harm as good. Let The Wright Group Event Services help plan, supply and staff your next event using creative ways to gather responsibly.


Colorado Department of Health & Environment. Colorado COVID-19 Vaccination Data. 2021.

Novotney, A. “The risks of social isolation.” American Psychological Association, 2019.